BREAKING NEWS: Children First set to release county reports.  Register Here to attend the release and discussion.

City Budget Advocacy Day press conference

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 Budget Advocacy Day

Philadelphia Press Conference

This year, Children First is doubling down on our budget advocacy in Philadelphia, and we need your help! We have a new Mayor, new City Council, and new Council President, which means it’s a good opportunity for our elected officals to make big moves to show Philly that they’re shepherding a fresh start for the City. Children First has put four budget asks on the table for the administration and council. We’ve already sent these asks to the Mayor and Councilmembers, and now we have to follow up.

  • Increasing the share of property taxes going to the School District of Philadelphia from at least 55% to 58% so that, with the projected growth in property taxes revenues from assessed value increases, at least $100 million more is provided to the district from local revenue sources in a predictable and recurring manner.
  • Investing $2.5 million more for 250 new PHLpreK seats and providing sufficient city funds to match for Philly Pre-K programs the reimbursement rate for Pre-K Counts programs as proffered by the Governor.
  • Sustaining and expanding out-of-school time options for kids with an increase of $8.8 million for additional programming and hours at recreation centers, a $2 million infusion for Philly Youth Sports Fund so they can serve 5,000 more youth, and ensuring sufficient funds of up to $38 million, are available to preserve the 8,000 OST slots currently funded with School District ARP funds.
  • Investing the full amount of cost savings associated with reduced juvenile incarceration in diversion and community-based alternatives, an estimated at $4 million.

REGISTER HERE to join us on March 20, 2024 at 10am in the Caucus Room at

Philadelphia City Hall for this press conference.

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