A Fantastic Thing To Do–September 15, 2017


A Fantastic Thing To Do!

В Block By Block Party is now a BLOCKBUSTER!

Highlighted in this week’s Uwishunu as a “Fantastic Thing To Do”, featured in the Inquirer’s Weekend section, and so much more, the Block By Block Party has reached fever pitch as Minecraft Mania takes hold!  

As you might imagine, the entire PCCY team is busy preparing for this weekend’s festivities. So this week we just wanted to share three things with you so that you might share them with your networks:

Thanks so much for supporting PCCY and helping to bring hi-tech tools to public schools!


Help save CHIP! Stand up for kids and tell Senators Casey and Toomey to support the bipartisan agreement to support a 5-year extention for the Children’s Health Insurance Program!

CLICK HERE to add your name!


“Does anybody really want to throw out good, educated and accomplished young people who have jobs, some serving in the military? Really!…..” Tweet from President Trump regarding Dreamers, after ending program that protected them deportation.





“If I managed my school district budget the way the PA Legislature is managing the state budget, I would have been fired.” PCCY Boardmember Jeff Sparagana.


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“Increasing charter school choices to a community does not occur without a significant fiscal impact, and these findings will be important for policy makers as they consider how to ameliorate that impact and ensure adequate funding for students in both charter and district schools.” Research for Action releases new report on the impact of charter schools.