BREAKING NEWS: Children First set to release county reports.  Register Here to attend the release and discussion.

How To Get Health Insurance For Your Child and You

PCCY’s Helpline is available to help you and your children get access to health insurance.  For help in any language, call: 215-563-5848 x17.

Download and share these important resources with others to help spread the word about PCCY and our continued services.

Multilingual Flyer: Does Your Child Need Health Insurance?

This single flyer is complete with 11 different languages describing how parents can get health insurance for their children and teens.

Download a Multi-Lingual PDF Version

Download JPEG (Side 1)  /  Download JPEG (Side 2)

PCCY Helps with Insuring Kids During COVID Crisis

These flyers can be printed single sided and distributed safely in accordance with proper social distancing.

PDF Versions:

English  /  Arabic  /  Mandarin  /  Portuguese  /  Russian  /  Spanish

Prefer Images You Can Post?  Use These Files:

English  /  Arabic  /  Mandarin  /  Portuguese  /  Russian  /  Spanish

Children and Adults Will Not Lose Medicaid Coverage During COVID

These flyers can be printed single sided and distributed safely in accordance with proper social distancing.

PDF Versions:

English  /  Arabic  /  Mandarin  /  Portuguese  /  Russian  /  Spanish

Prefer Images You Can Post?  Use These Files:

English  /  Arabic  /  Mandarin  /  Portuguese  /  Russian  /  Spanish

If You Pay a CHIP Premium, You Need to Call Your Health Plan

These flyers can be printed single sided and distributed safely in accordance with proper social distancing.

PDF Versions:

English  /  Arabic  /  Mandarin  /  Portuguese  /  Russian  /  Spanish

Prefer Images You Can Post?  Use These Files:

English  /  Arabic  /  Mandarin  /  Portuguese  /  Russian  /  Spanish

Find Safe Health Care Sites for Immigrants

These postcards can be printed double sided and distributed safely in accordance with proper social distancing.

PDF Versions:

English  /  Arabic  /  Mandarin  /  Portuguese  /  Russian  /  Spanish

Prefer Images You Can Post?  Use These Files:

English Side 1 & Side 2  /  Arabic Side 1 & Side 2  /  Mandarin Side 1 & Side 2  /  Portuguese Side 1 & Side 2  /  Russian Side 1 & Side 2  /  Spanish Side 1 & Side 2

PCCY Insurance Helpline Enrolling Kids Now

These postcards can be printed two on a page and double sided and distributed safely in accordance with proper social distancing.

PDF Versions:

English  /  Arabic  /  Bengali  /  French  /  Indonesian  /  Khmer  /  Mandarin  /  Portuguese  /  Russian  /  Spanish  /  Vietnamese

Prefer Images You Can Post?  Use These Files:

English  /  Arabic Bengali  /  French  /  Indonesian  /  Khmer  /  Mandarin  /  Portuguese  /  Russian  /  Spanish  /  Vietnamese

Additional Telephone Insurance Helplines in Southeast PA

These flyers can be printed single sided and distributed safely in accordance with proper social distancing.

PDF Versions:

English  /  Arabic  /  Bengali  /  French  /  Indonesian  /  Khmer  /  Mandarin  /  Portuguese  /  Russian  /  Spanish  /  Vietnamese

Eviction Resources

We know it’s pretty hard to believe but yes, we’ve had reports that some landlords are telling people that they are facing the possibility of eviction. There are a few steps that you can take if you are being threatened with eviction. Download and share the flyers below which have the most up-to-date information and helpful phone numbers.

PDF Versions:

English  /  Arabic  /  Bengali  /  French  /  Indonesian  /  Khmer  /  Mandarin  /  Portuguese  /  Russian  /  Spanish  /  Vietnamese

Prefer Images You Can Post?  Use These Files:

English  /  Arabic  /  Bengali  /  French  /  Indonesian  /  Khmer  /  Mandarin  /  Portuguese  /  Russian  /  Spanish  /  Vietnamese

Gig Worker Unemployment Assistance

There’s a new unemployment benefit program created in response to COVID-19 for workers who are not eligible for regular Unemployment Compensation.

PDF Versions:

English  /  Arabic  /  Mandarin  /  Portuguese  /  Russian  /  Spanish


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