BREAKING NEWS: Children First set to release county reports.  Register Here to attend the release and discussion.

Not Your Average Poltical Campaign – Aug 23, 2024



The dramatic speeches, celebrity cameos, and flashy lights of the Democratic and Republican political conventions have ended, and millions of Americans are now swept up in election fever. As the electioneering machines get going, what can nonprofits like Children First do to help you stay informed?


Because we’re nonpartisan, Children First doesn’t take sides in elections, but voters can always access our extensive research on children’s issues to decipher messages they’re hearing from candidates. For example, is your local candidate saying that PA’s schools are adequately funded or that childhood lead paint poisoning is a thing of the past? Our website can be your first stop for reliable information to cut through misinformation.

When it comes to the candidates, you can rely on our sister organization, the Children First Action Fund, to guide you through PA’s election season. While millions of dollars will pour into PA for the Harris/Trump and McCormack/Casey campaigns, the Action Fund is doing the work to educate voters about legislative races that don’t get top billing but definitely impact PA’s children.

The Action Fund will survey legislative candidates and publicize their replies, host candidate conversations, and visit neighborhoods statewide to listen to voter concerns and engage them in ways to hold candidates accountable.

The focus of these activities is the Action Fund Child Care Voter campaign. Lack of access to affordable, quality child care is a huge issue for parents who want/need to work and be able to choose the best place for their young children to learn and play. But leaders in Harrisburg fail again again to help providers hire and retain qualified teachers and keep prices reasonable.

As a result, tens of thousands of young children can’t get child care. That has a lot to do with the fact that the average wage for child care workers in Pennsylvania is $15.15/hour. The work is rewarding ut when early childhood teachers don’t make enough to support their families, it’s no wonder they’re leaving the field they love to work for higher wages and benefits at Target or McDonald’s.

The Child Care Voter – like you – issues an ultimatum to candidates: “You have to support great child care to get my support.” The are only 73 days until Election Day so there’s no time to waste.

Join the Child Care Voter 脸书 group, Instagram的 page, and email list  Be a part of a growing community of PA voters who want lawmakers to finally solve the child care crisis.

The Action Fund is also eager to hear your child care story! Record yourself on your cell phone and send in your video so the Child Care Voter campaign can inundate candidates with messages from their constituents about solving the child care crisis. Be a part of this growing movement on behalf of children and families!

As Children First gears up for an action-packed fall, your voice is crucial in shaping our work. Can you take a few minutes to answer a quick survey about what issues are most important to you?

Universal school vouchers in Florida and other factors are forcing some public schools to consolidate, resulting in growing concerns about segregation, racism, and hostile climate in schools.

Learn how we can continue to work together in 2024 to strengthen Pennsylvania’s early learning system for teachers and programs and grow access for more eligible families!


“This school year, the School District of Philadelphia
(SDP) has received $232 million in new state funds
this year. Parents and community members want to
know how and what decisions are being made for
where these new funds will be spent. Tell Philadelphia
that the funding we fought so hard for will go to
GOOD use supporting student learning
– Priyanka Reyes-Kaura, Children First K-12 Policy Director, testifying before the SDP School Board