BREAKING NEWS: Children First set to release county reports.  Register Here to attend the release and discussion.

Hospitals and kids are in the same boat – May 3, 2024


Unburden PA’s Health Care Systems by Insuring Every Child

There are more uninsured children in the Commonwealth than the total populations of Harrisburg and Scranton combined.

Nearly 145,000 PA children and teens are not covered by any sort of health insurance. They’re paying a heavy price but they’re not the only ones.

Pennsylvania hospitals absorbed $772 million in uncompensated care for children in 2022, according to new research by Children First

It’s well documented that when children are uninsured, their health, education, and life chances suffer. When they do get medical care, it’s often in an emergency room after a moderate ailment progressed to a serious condition. This is why hospitals are the epicenter of unpaid care.

Because rural counties have higher rates of uninsured children than urban counties, rural hospitals are carrying heavy uncompensated care costs

Hospitals do get some reimbursement from Medicaid funding, but it’s a fraction of the entire $772 million in uncompensated care for children. If state lawmakers amended our Medicaid rules, every Pennsylvania child could get routine and emergency health care without financially harming the health care system.

Already 12 states and Washington, D.C. have programs that make it possible for every child to get coverage. Colorado and Minnesota are joining that list next year. Even the deep red state of Utah does a better job than Pennsylvania making sure every child is insured, including children who are growing up without legal citizenship documents. 

In these states, all means all. Pennsylvania must do the same. 

Become an individual or organizational member of the Insure Every Child coalition so we can give every child access to a healthy life and a brighter future in a flourishing state economy.

Let’s cross the finish line for school funding! 

We’re teaming up with our PA Schools Work coalition to hold virtual phone banks this spring. Sign up for a shift or two and, together, we’ll build a groundswell of support for our children’s education.

The anticipated proliferation of
AI-generated child exploitation will make it harder for already overburdened “SVU” teams to root out real-life victims of abuse, according to a new study by Stanford University. The report, fortunately, makes recommendations to keep children safer.

We need your voices on social media to tell legislators to FINALLY fully fund public education.

Use the hashtag #FinishtheJob on social media on Wednesday with a post supporting education funding. Or search PA Schools Work on social media and share their posts.

“The main reasons that I opened my school
was to build self-esteem and confidence in
children, no matter where they came from
what language they speak or what culture
they are. It’s just to appreciate the best of
both worlds.”

– Carol Wong, owner of The Chinatown
Learning Center, a child care provider